I am finally unpacking my boxes and arranging my boudoir. With the exception of a few boxes, which I am waiting for some shelving, I am almost done. Of course it will always be a work in progress, because our sanctuary always is. I want window treatments, more furniture, and more things to put in the furniture.
My move cannot be more ill timed. With the passing of my grandmother (I credit her for igniting my love of everything 30's, 40's, and 50's) and the Christmas show, it's proven to be quite a task to juggle everything. Shows are time consuming on their own, with promotion and production, and for the performer; practicing.
And as I mentioned, there is the "great purge". I am throwing everything out that I have no use for. I can't tell you how many hair pins, coins, clips and stray rhinestones I have swept up in the dustpan. It's amazing how much stuff we accumulate in such a short time. I've also discovered things that I've packed away from my last two moves. I came across my blue and white china tea cup and saucer set. (I have a thing for tea cups sets).
Unfortunately one of the beloved I had to leave behind was my Russian Blue, Misha. She has become accustomed to living outside and I concluded that it would be unfair to keep her trapped in the apartment. Returning her to the pound was not an option as I believe this to be irresponsible pet ownership. My young next-door neighbor couple offered to adopt her once they learned that we were moving. She has become a fixture on their comfy porch (Misha loves a great porch) and they come to enjoy her company. I am heartbroken but I do believe she will be in great hands with her new owners.
Le sigh.
There is just a few more weeks if this year left. Once I get past this week, I think things will look up for me. Last year has been exciting, busy and amazing. This year, however, is for the dogs. I am actually looking forward to next year as there are a few things in line that will be exciting if they ever come to fruition.
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