I am going through a political identity crisis. I don’t know where I stand. Frankly, I don’t care. I hate labels.
My father and I have had a lot of opposing political views. He’s a Republican, and I am….confused. My father and I had an email debate, as we often do, about the new administration. He called me a “liberal”. I really don’t understand that the hell that is. Then again, I don’t know what a republican is either. The definitions of both parties have changed dramatically and the ideology has changed with it. I find myself really hard to classify, as I did not grow up in America, rather in Asia. So some of the values in Asia that are considered very conservative are considered liberal in America.
What I have observed however, the most childish and repulsive behavior from both sides of the political agenda I have ever seen in the history of our great country. I see political pundits that spew verbal diarrhea from their mouths on air, who’s ranting make absolutely no sense to a common-sense thinking person. And the scary part is; they actually get paid for it. {Insert confused look} Even scarier, there are people that spend hours listening to this garbage and buying their books! Le sigh.
So, I am going to divorce it all baloney and make my own party. Complete with champagne and caviar!
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